Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Set backs can lead to further growth we don't expect!

When I think about all the great things that have happened in this ministry over the last 4 1/3 years, it seems strange to talk about set backs. But starting back in October they began to hit us. First James Vaughan's mother passed away in mid October and James has left to be with his family until mid-January. About the first of Dec. I heard that we would not receive a M.A.P. team from the East Hill Church of Christ in York, NE and York College for the first time in maybe 12 years! On Dec. 9, I heard that my daughter had miscarried her baby at 16 weeks and I decided that I would need to go and be with her, Brandon and Gavin. (I am writing this from her computer in the USA.) Then Frankie and Jared departed from us on Dec. 12, to move back to the US after 19 months of service. On the 14th, I left for the US. On the 16th, we got word that we would not be receiving another AIM team! This was a shocker, for we were so sure we would! Well, I don't want to ask what else can happen!

Then I realized that God is in control. That God will bring blessings out of our weaknesses. I just finished talking with 13 of my young Christian friends back in Kremenchuk by internet Skype phone and that was so good and encouraging!!! They are such a great group of Christian young people and I am so proud of them! As I have recently read 2 Cor. 1:8-10 and of course Romans 8:28 ff I know that God is in control and that Satan has no lasting power over us. I pray, "Please help me trust in You, Lord, knowing that You will work Your will in our lives to Your great glory!" I can't see, but God can. That is faith - I want more of it in much greater detail. If God is for me, who can be against me? NO ONE! We look forward to better and greater things through these set backs for it causes us to let go and trust God more!

Make it a great day, for God is working His will in your life!

1 comment:

Ben Berry said...

that was a very encouraging entry, thanks!