Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Much Does Your Time Cost?

Once a man came home late from work tired and worn out and saw his son waiting in the door way.

- “Daddy, can I ask you something?”
- “Sure. What is it?”
- “I just wonder, how much do you earn?”
- “It’s not your business,” the dad said indignantly, “and why do you care?”
- “Just wondering. Please at least tell me how much you earn an hour?”
- “Well I earn 500. Why?”
- “Dad,” the son seriously looked up, “dad could you lend me 300?”
- “You have asked me so that I could give you money for some stupid toy?” – He shouted. “Go to your room and go to bed! How can you be so selfish! I’m working all day long getting very tired and you are acting so silly.”

The kid went to his room and closed the door after himself while his father was still angry because of his son’s request. “How dare he to ask me about my salary in order to ask for money later?” But after some time he calmed down and started thinking logically: “What if he needs to buy something very important. What the heck, he has never asked me for money.” When he came in his son’s room the boy was already in bed.

- “Are you sleeping?” –he asked
- “No, daddy. Just laying here.”
- “I was too rough with you earlier. I’ve just had a hard day and I lost my temper. I’m sorry. Here is the money you’ve asked for. Take it.”

The kid sat up and smiled.
- “Oh, thank you, daddy!”
Then he started searching for something under the pillow and got several carefully folded banknotes. Seeing that the child had already had money the father got angry again. And the kid put all the money together, counted it again and looked at the father.
- “Why did you ask for money of you had it already?” – The father grumbled.
- “Because I didn’t have enough. But now I do. Dad, here is 500. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please, come back earlier tomorrow. I want you to have dinner with us.”

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